Friday 4 April 2008

Phrases I hate

I've already mentioned that I care about words and how they're used, which after all is only to be expected in a writer. Occasionally I hear a phrase that makes me cringe; in fact, lately I've been hearing one far too often - 'going forward'. People say it in all kinds of contexts and it's always entirely superfluous. It seems to be the latest meaningless twaddle that's used by people who subconsciously feel they have nothing useful to say and try to fluff up their speech with something they hope will add weight.

Oh, and since we're on the subject and I'm building up nicely to a rant, what about 'fell pregnant'? To me that suggests an element of genteel surprise - 'Whoops! Oh dear, I wonder how that could possibly have happened?' Beats me.

Yes, I know, there are far worse things to worry about, but it's good to have a moan sometimes.


Jen said...

I agree words are important items.

I was once in a meeting where someone said, 'We are going to have to back engineer this problem.' She meant SOLVE it.

I also love/hate it when a couple says,

'We're trying for a baby.'

It immediately makes me think of them shagging ernestly day and night.


A Bed and a Toothbrush said...

From what I know about couples 'trying for a baby' that's exactly what they're reduced to - at the right times, of course. Maybe I watch too much TV drama.
'Try' in general is also a very irritating word.I am one of the handful of people who have never seen a Star Wars film, but I am reliably informed that a character says something along the lines of 'There is do or not do. There is no try'. I'm right with him.
'Try' has a convenient built-in failure warning. People who say they will try to do something want the credit for it without putting in any effort. That's why I now try very hard not - whoops.