Tuesday 22 April 2008

A bed and a toothbrush - what's all that about?

My readers have been asking about the title of this blog and since I am loath to let either of them down, I shall explain:

All the clever names I came up with were already taken and eventually I realised I'd have to think of something more specific to me. That started me thinking what people have said about my writing and about me - the good things, anyway. As I've already explained, I dismissed 'One of the nosiest people I know' and then one day I remembered something A said a while back.

I am a committed minimalist. One of my favourite activities is clearing out, recycling, putting together a bag for the charity shop, giving stuff away etc. Creating clear space where stuff once was is one of the best feelings ever. A is not quite as keen on this as me. I think sometimes it makes him nervous. Although I do try to keep my enthusiasm confined to my own belongings and my own space, there are times when I just can't help asking questions like 'When did you last wear that T-shirt?' or 'Do you really still need those books?'

It was on one of these occasions that he remarked 'If you carry on like this, in a few years all you'll have left will be a bed and a toothbrush.' And of course I laughed at such a ridiculous idea, although I find it a compelling mixture of the chilling and the appealing.

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